Category: Pictures of the day

Shack Island

June 1st, 2022 — Shack Island, just outside of Nanaimo, normally only accessible by boat or by swimming, but by chance I came by when there was an extreme low tide and could walk across from Piper’s Lagoon.

Alexander Glyadyelov

May 19th, 2022 — Opening of the “Alexander Glyadyelov: Gathering Darkness” show at the Polygon Gallery in North Vancouver. The empty wine glasses were left by guests who had moved to another room to hear Glyadyelov speak by satellite about his pictures and the war in Ukraine.
Glyadyelov speaking from Ukraine by satellite to the opening night guests of his show “Gathering Darkness”.

News years day swim

January 1st, 2022 — Swimmers at Spanish Banks on New Years Day. It’s not the traditional thousands; just ones and twos; a covid swim on an uncrowded beach with social distancing.