August 4th, 2015 — A very close finish in the Cat 4 race last night at the UBC Escape Velocity Tuesday night criterium as Joseph Tam almost catches Jay Delaney at the line.
Tag: UBC Tuesday night crits
Oliver Wood
July 1st, 2014 — Oliver Wood of Team Devo celebrates winning his first Tuesday night criterium at UBC after holding onto a break that started on the bell lap. More pictures below and much more to come next week when BC Superweek and the Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix take place.
Tuesday night crits
July 31st, 2012 — Walking back to the car with the bike over your shoulder at the Tuesday night Escape Velocity crit can mean only one thing, there was a crash. No visible body damage but there is a bent rear wheel and what looks like a mangled changer.
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