Category: Musicians

Arthur Delamont

Arthur Delamont

April 1976 — If anyone ever doubted my abilities as a photographer there was an instant rebuttal which I held in reserve. It was that once, during a band practice, I photographed Arthur Delamont smiling. There are probably not many people alive now who remember Delamont, leader of the Kitsilano Boys Band, winners of the world band competition in 1933 as well as more than 200 other awards and serving as a Vancouver ambassador on 15 European tours. Delamont had a legend as a tough band master, shouting, waving, grimacing, until it was right. One of my uncles played in his band and said that Delamont was not adverse to hitting the producer of a wrong or late note with his cornet. These pictures of the Alumni Band practicing in the basement of a church at 67th and Hudson appeared in the Vancouver Province April 27th, 1976 shortly after Delamont had received a civic award from the city of Vancouver. The smile picture is the last one in the series.

Arthur Delamont

Arthur Delamont
April 1976 — Arthur Delamont was a legend in Vancouver because of his Kitsilano Boys Band which won over two hundred awards between 1928 and 1974. He was also a legend because of his fearsome temper aroused by missed notes although I think this more myth than real. The band ceased performing in 1974 but there were still rehersals and this young boy is receiving a trumpet from Delamont after band practice in the basement of General Gordon School. From his body language he knows about and believes in the legend.